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Slay Staff


The show is put on by professional performers, coaches and judges that want to create opportunity and unity within the community. It is our goal to create a safe, welcoming and united environment open to everyBODY. Our mission is to create a platform for performers, beginner to professional, to have a creative outlet to share their talents and build their portfolio while inspiring the next generation of performers and supporting our local studios.



Ashley is the owner and head coach of FlexyFit and Aerial Ashletes, a professional aerialist and competition judge. This dynamic and melanated aerialist and coach loves to train everyBODY and helps people achieve their aerial ambitions in pole, flying pole, lyra, trapeze and aerial yoga. She specializes in the coaching of competitors and plus-size aerialists. Promoting body inclusion, better teaching practices, self-advocacy are passions of hers. Ashley is a master nerd and body sorceress with numerous pole/aerial certifications; she’s also a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Human Movement Specialist with ten years of experience in fitness, flexibility, dance conditioning, pole and aerial. She’s also a business creative that loves helping soloprenuers and small businesses.



Valerie is our Show Manager, aka “the show whisperer!” She is the behind-the-scenes pro that keeps our events running smoothly! A Insurance Professional by trade, this wife and mother of two loves spoiling her family through cooking elaborate meals. When she is not cooking or traveling, you can find her training to improve her craft as an Ashlete of FlexyFit.  Valerie first found the love of pole/arial in 2021 when she visited a studio looking for a fun and challenging workout. She fell in love with the sport and signed up for competition with PSO Space City. She won 1st place in her division at her very first competition.



Cat is the Show Coordinator and long standing Ashlete of FlexyFit. A project manager in stuffy commercial construction by day, they have found passion and creative outlet in pole and lyra, falling in love with it over and over again through injuries, recoveries, and varying life circumstance. They have three competitions under their belt with dreams of many more. With profound appreciation for the aerial community as they have found it at competition and especially at Slay, Cat is excited to be working with the Slay team to keep this machine running and thriving!



Dee, aka Pole_For_Your_Soul, is a pole vet with nearly 11 years in this beautiful art. Pole Fitness catalyzed her weight loss journey and stole her heart immediately. She began competing, and soon after, began teaching. She is a level 0-2 instructor at Altitude Fitness Highland Village. Her happy place is low flow and floorwork. Dee feels very intently that every woman deserves to feel sexy. Feeling sexy and appreciating your sensuality causes a domino effect on other aspects of life. Dee has worked with Ashley for the last 9 years and is very dedicated to growing this showcase for our pole, circus, aerialist, burlesque,  twerk, chair, floorwork and dance community.



As a relative newcomer to the Slay team, Cherish is still coming into a new skin. Her pole journey began in 2022, where a bucket list item became a “must have” hobby. She’s found herself right in the middle of a production she feels great affinity to. The excitement of future outreach into the community, growing together with a truly welcoming, warm environment amongst her peers and lending to the experience overall is driving her forward. Her passion in performances is driven towards creativity that incorporates elements ranging from slinky to absurd. Moving forward, she’d like to continue to explore new avenues alongside her fellow team members to write a new story with the pen name she carries outside of her daily 9-5.



Candace is Co-Owner and Photographer at Divine Photography, and  has been showcasing her skills from behind the camera for over 10 years. She has a passion for creativity and loves to use photography as a way of self expression. When she’s not behind the camera, you’ll find her making hand-crafted jewelry for her business LoveCece. 



Born in the Bay Area of California and raised in Texas, Charles started his career as an IT Professional, after climbing the corporate ladder he started my own IT Managed Service Business. Charles took up photography as a hobby a while back and the feeling that he see his clients experience during our photoshoots is amazing! He sees people get their confidence back and feel good about themselves. Charles  wants to share that experience with everyone. Fixing computers, managing infrastructures, employees and projects is still great but it doesn’t impact people the way photography does.

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