Slay the Stage Volume 5 Signups Now Open!

Are you ready for Slay the Stage Volume 5?!?!? We’re getting down and dirty Disney style! V5 will be bigger, better and sexier than ever! 💋 Performer registration is now LIVE!

Future Slay Baes: 

This show is for #everyBODY featuring Pole, Aerial and Ground acts from the pole, aerial, burlesque and circus community. We want that razzle dazzle and touch of magic as as you fly, twirl and slink into our imaginations. If you’re ready to get animated and join the cast then check out the details in the performer packet and then claim your Slay.  Click the link in our bio to sign up. Got questions? DM us or email

When: Sunday September 17, 2023 @5pm. Tickets coming soon. 

💃🏿 Perform | 🙋🏾‍♀️ Volunteer | 💸 Sponsor | Collab 👯‍♀️

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